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Maple Cocktail

A fun and creamy cocktail sweetened with maple syrup. Garnished with waffles and homemade bacon bits — Perfect for Canada Day celebrations!


  • 1 oz dark rum
  • 2 oz Irish Cream
  • 1 teaspoon maple syrup
  • 2 oz milk
  • 1/4 cup crumbled bacon bits
  • 2 mini frozen waffles


  1. Cook a few pieces of bacon, let them cool, then crumble into small pieces.
  2. Heat up mini waffles.
  3. Add the Irish Cream, milk, rum and maple syrup in a cocktail shaker with ice.
  4. Shake vigorously for a few seconds until ingredients are combined.
  5. Strain the cocktail into a martini glass. Sprinkle a few bacon bits on the top. Add two waffles onto a skewer and place in the cocktail to garnish.
  6. Dip the mini waffles into the drink for an added treat.

By: Sugar and Charm

(Grabbed from: