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Principles of food and wine pairing

principles of food and wine pairing

When planning your next meal keep in mind that sweet wine goes well with sweet food, acidic wines with sour foods, and red wines with red meat. But just in case, here are some tips provided by wine educator Michael Quirk.

  • Champagne – salty food, like fresh oysters
  • Rosé champagne – salmon dinner, hors d’oeuvres.
  • Sauvignon blanc – tart dressings, and asparagus.
  • Albariño/verdelho – dish with fresh herbs, like fish and crustaceans
  • Pinot grigio/gris – light fish, dried meats (parma ham and melon)
  • Chardonnay – fatty fish (tuna or salmon), or fish in a rich sauce.
  • Riesling – sushi or sashimi
  • Off-dry riesling – sweet and spicy dishes (Asian: Thai, Vietnamese, Chinese cuisine)
  • Moscato – fresh tropical fruit, fruit-based desserts
  • Botrytis semillon/riesling – foie gras, pâté and terrines
  • Dry rosé – rich, cheesy dishes, spicy Mexican food (tacos or Vietnamese rolls)
  • Tempranillo/grenache – sweet and spicy barbecue sauces
  • Merlot – pâtés, mousses and terrines, and pizza
  • Cabernet sauvignon – juicy red meat
  • Syrah/shiraz – highly spiced dishes
  • Liqueur muscat – sweet desserts, Christmas pudding