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Learn the Five Basic Steps to Wine Tasting

20The 5-step procedure of tasting wine is a useful device for recognizing your preferred wines. This procedure of sampling wine allows you to appreciate each facet of the wine tasting encounter.

You can taste wine like a pro by adhering to these five steps:

  1. Sight
  2. Smell
  3. Preference
  4. Touch
  5. Total Impression


  • It is consistently good to see to it the wine is ‘clear’. A little cork is safe, but you’ll want to check for sediments or a visibility of bits.
  • Pick up the glass by the stem to give yourself a clear view of the wine. Hold the glass up to white light, or versus a white background such as a table linen or paper napkin.
  • Note the color and quality of the bottle of wine. White wines may range from pale yellow to amber gold. Red wines can be dark purple, brick red, or many shades in between. Strength of color is occasionally a signal of a wine with a bigger physical body.


  • Exploring the aromas of a bottle of wine is an essential step to enjoying the complete sampling experience of the bottle of wine. Our feeling of scent is much more fine-tuned compared to our taste, numerous of the complex “tastes” in a bottle of wine are in fact better noted with smell as opposed to preference.
  • Move your glass in small circles to swirl the a bottle of wine and release the fragrances. You can either swirl with the glass in the air, or keep the base of the glass on the table as you swirl that can help prevent spilling. After many secs of swirling, hold the glass as much as your nose as well as inhale.
  • Common aromas you may see are floral, citrus, as well as exotic fruit for white wines, or berry, dried out fruit, and flavor for wines. Use the Wine Aroma Wheel that can help you examine the aromas of the wine. Beginning at the center of the wheel to identify the kind of aroma you see, and after that relocate directly outside to recognize the aroma much more precisely.


  • The human tongue could simply taste 5 primary tastes: wonderful, sour, salted, bitter and mouthwatering. However, by slurping in a small amount of air together with the wine, we can implement our feeling of odor again to help us “preference” a lot more tastes.
  • Take a sip of the wine, and also swirl it your mouth for a moment. While the bottle of wine is still in your mouth, inhale air gradually with your mouth, as if you were drinking from a straw.
  • Describe the tastes you taste. You might see some of the very same fruit, floral or seasoning flavors that you observed while smelling the wine. You may additionally discover a few of the five tastes, such as sweetness on the suggestion of your tongue, sour from the acidity of the bottle of wine, or slight anger from the tannins.


  • The “weight” or “body” of a wine can be called light, tool, or full. Whites such as Pinot Grigio are thought about light-bodied, while reds such as Cabernet are often moderate to potent.
  • Take a sip of a bottle of wine and concentrate on how it feels in your mouth. For example, Pinot Grigio will likely feel extremely light, while Chardonnay will certainly frequently have a rather “rounder” mouthfeel as a result of its fuller body.
  • Note the remaining perception that remains in your mouth after you swallow the wine. This is called the “finish,” and can either be fairly short or quite lengthy.

 Total Impression:

  • Basic – Did you take pleasure in the wine?
  • Psychologically integrate your perceptions of the bottle of wine’s appearance, aromas, preference, body, as well as finish.
  • Examine the consistency amongst the numerous facets of the wine. A superior wine will have balance among all these aspects, and also each element of the bottle of wine will be well-integrated.