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Barossa Valley Style Australian Shiraz

Normally $295 on sale $177. Use promo code: butler . Yields approx. 28-30 750ml bottles. Bottles not included $1.35 ea or bring your own. HST $3.90 Not Included. Must be 19+.

Sugar Code 0.

Make this Wine!

To make your own Barossa Valley Australian Shiraz, reserve your batch now!


Ah, my dear oenophiles, prepare to be dazzled by the irrepressible “Baron von Shiraz” from the whimsical vineyards of Barossa! This wine is like a flamboyant nobleman, donning a top hat and monocle, ready to tickle your taste buds with a blend of snobbish sophistication and uproarious charm.

As you savor a glass of this audacious elixir, be prepared for a symphony of flavors to dance upon your palate. Ripe blackberries, luscious plums, and a hint of mischievous spice twirl together like a joyous waltz, captivating your senses in a whirlwind of laughter and indulgence. It’s like a circus of flavors performing a juggling act on your tongue, leaving you in awe and craving for an encore.

The Baron von Shiraz strides across your taste buds with the pomp and grandeur of a high society debutante. Its velvety tannins embrace your palate like a luxurious velvet cape, while its bold personality commands attention with the finesse of a maestro’s baton. But beware, my esteemed guests, for this wine possesses a certain charisma that might make you break into a spontaneous tango. So, clear the dance floor, don your dancing shoes, and let the Baron lead you in a spirited dance of laughter and libation!

Now, the name “Baron von Shiraz” is no mere coincidence. It embodies the aristocratic elegance and the playful eccentricity of this Barossa beauty. With each sip, you’ll feel as if you’ve been transported to a whimsical masquerade ball, where jesters mingle with royalty and laughter echoes through the vineyards.

So, my delightful wine enthusiasts, let the Baron von Shiraz be your charismatic companion on this whimsical journey through the vineyards of mirth and refinement. Raise your glasses to laughter, to extravagance, and to the delightful pleasures that make life truly worth celebrating. Cheers, my dear friends, to the Baron and his merry band of flavors!