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Top tips for Christmas Day leftovers


We consulted our favourite Queen Victoria Market stallholders about what to do with an overflowing fridge on Boxing Day – because Santa isn’t the only one with a belly full of jelly on Christmas. Once you’ve eaten your weight in Christmas pudding, here’s what the experts do with mountains of leftovers.

Brendan Lay, Swords Wine

Brendan’s recipe, of course, calls for the generous use of some of his product with any leftover meats: “If you have a bit of red wine leftover from Christmas you could definitely make a little red wine sauce, and cook it down with some onions. Or make a little glaze and cook it up in the leftover wine.”

Fiona Macali, The Epicurean

Fiona has a great tip for using all that leftover ham: “One thing that I do with leftover ham is to make a beautiful mac & cheese. Use a nice cheese like a raclette or a buffalo mozzarella with a bit of Grana Padano (which is usually leftover Reggiano or Parmesan), then just chop up your leftover ham and put it in the macaroni bake. That’s a great way of using it. Something the kids will love as well.”

Olivia Gavriel, The Corner Chicken Shop

If you’re more a turkey fan, Olivia recommends baking a pie: “Turkey is an awesome product. Obviously at Christmas time we over-indulge and there are always leftovers. Because we’ve just had Thanksgiving, we have a turkey pie recipe on our website which uses leftover free-range turkey, chicken stock, and cranberry sauce as a condiment. Turkey is exceptional all year round, and you can do lots with the leftovers.”

Julie Langtry, The French Shop

Julie’s best Christmas tip (and a personal favourite of ours) is to pop by at the end of trading: “After Christmas we give all the bits and bobs to the staff, and to all the customers that are here at the end of the day!”


Kevin Teather, The Corner Larder

Kevin has a great recipe idea for a quick pudding to keep the kids at bay: “If you have any leftover Christmas pudding, chop it up a bit and mix it through some softened ice-cream for the easiest, fantastic Christmas pudding ice-cream.”


****Grabbed from: