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Four Wines to Sip with Any Braised Meat


There are two things I like to keep in mind when I bring wine to the table.

  • Wine is a food — it’s another layer, an additional component to play off the dishes and flavors that are already there.
  • Most important: I drink what I like. I trust my palate, just like I do with food, and that will be your saving grace when it comes to wine, too. The flavors and textures that you like is what matters most, and it’s what should drive your wine choices.

That being said, for the best pairings, aim for wines that have a similar feel to the meal you’re eating. Today, it’s all about the deeply caramelized crusts and slow-cooked meats of braised dishes. In wine speak, that means we should go for deeper, fuller-bodied wines with just as much character as what you’re cooking. Take a category from below, and run (or walk, if you want to be casual) to your local wine store. And just like you would at a farmers’ market, chat with the staff about your choice.


If You Prefer Red: Australian Shiraz

The warm Australian climate combined with a late harvest most often leads to very ripe grapes. Those ripe grapes will infuse the wine with deeper, sometimes savory flavor, and a higher alcohol content can also result. Fun fact: Shiraz is how the Aussies say Syrah, but the grapes’ historical home is in the Northern Rhône region of France. We love this bottle — check out your local wine store for similar picks.


If You Prefer White: California Chardonnay

California Chardonnay and Australian Shiraz often share the same characteristic of very ripe fruit, which is why both can work with the same dishes. That creaminess you know and love in a good Chard? It’s from time spent on the lees, or deposits of yeasts that occur naturally in the winemaking process. Still, these wines can vary widely, due in part to aging and flavouring techniques like oak barrels (which we like!) and oak chips (not so much). To switch it up, ask your wine store for a unoaked bottle, which will carry less of those trademark toasty, vanilla notes. Learning your preferences of these three factors – ripeness of fruit, lees, and oak – will help you find even more favorites. (Look here for one of ours!)

If You Want to be Like Tamar Adler: What you’re Braising with But really, it makes sense — if your braise happens to have called for a little bit of wine, pour the rest in your glasses! It’s the most fool proof method for a harmonious pairing.


What We Pour: Oregon Pinot Noir

For something a bit atypical, look to history; for centuries, red Burgundy has been poured into the most classic of braises. (Boeuf Bourguignon, anyone?) The Bourguignon, or Burgundy, in effect means Pinot Noir: by law, red grapes grown in Burgundy have to be Pinot Noir.

I reach for Pinot because it has nuance and personality and I’m always curious to see what mood it’ll be in. Usually, it’s a little spicy, redolent of black cherries, and typically lower alcohol — this makes it fruity but not overpowering. It’s lighter in color than other red wines, as though it doesn’t want to be too obvious. Pinot Noir from Oregon, like this bottle, will run you slightly less than the same grape from its Burgundy homeland. If you want to be fancy about it, by all means, reach for a red Burgundy.

 By Cathy Huyghe

Best advice I’ve ever heard regarding wine? “Just drink the stuff.”

***Grabbed from: